
Blog would be a better place to post something longer and more emotional

Just get myself enrolled and start working in another start up company,  which wasn't bad at all, but I'm walking back into the path which I used to do, but failed to success. Just a random thought, if I repeat what I did in the past, would everything begun again? Meeting the same girl in my life, repeat the same stories written before, just that this time, I will success. Looking into the mirror, I had changed from a fit guy into a chubby guy, wondering when would the word fatass being use to describe myself, getting into gyms does help but I wish my body could have a better metabolism too. Wondering the illness gave me blessing or curse, I might have better virus resistance and also antibiotic, but what does it takes to exchange it? Gosh, just a mumbling post. dah, lunch time habis, balik kerja

Everythings happend for a reason

Did you ever regret for doing something, which you felt ashamed, felt that you did something really bad and embarrassing? Had you ever tried to start up a business and lost thousands or millions? Ignited your dream by some sort of financial freedom and invest a thousands and never come back as promised? Put all the failure aside, did you learned from all the mistakes?  Oops, did you learn from the failure? To be honest I had my first failure during my 18 y/o, that's the time when everyone getting their mind all focus in SPM but i went and start goods trading, the first failure are due to my fear of dominant and also trust the wrong person, I went all in and I lose everything. I will never forget that night when I receive the goods all of us investing in, it's all bullshit, a 30k worth goods are now all stuck and still left in my house, inside the storage and I never ever go and check it out. Time by time, it's already 2017, I'm 23 now, I faced the se...

Years passed, I'm still looking for the definition of life.

Ever since I started my blog, I always mention the definition of life, the purpose of life, which I once define it as SUCCESS. It sounds good and right after all, but when time passed, i felt there's something even better for me to define my purpose and definition of life. Before I talked about the new definition, let's talk about why I thought that SUCCESS aren't and couldn't be the words for this. SUCCESS sounds great, but how many of you, or even the people around can be crowned as the success one?  The winner of life own their life, a house, a car, a great family? But how could you really define the quantity, the quality?  When we talked about success, most of the time and most of us thought of a pile of cash, spending like money isn't an issue! Having a super car yet still wanna buy a private jet, having luxury lifestyle and niche goods lie around the wardrobe. Isn't these great?  For those whom having all these are the winner of life! He/She IS...
20 years old. I'm glad that I born in November because in primary education schedule, it's holiday for both November and December. I was tried to avoid celebrating my birthday party for years, because friends was an important one for me. But now I rather spend my birthday with my families or who think I'm their friends. Now I'm in a new community, I din't miss old time buddies because who is my truly pals, they know I won't forget them. A sentence of happy birthday won't missed out from them, even I hide my birthdate in all social networks. Mehz a quote a post- Chris Andresson'The wise won't talk much infront of a dumb, not because they are proud, in fact, they know the dumb won't listen to them, the only way is to let the dumb face the reality and experience what should had be done. Just simply because that's how the wise became wise.'


2014 趕上課 戴Fossil 喝 Nescafe Ice 吃 雜飯 2015 趕講堂 戴Fossil 喝 Caremal Americano 吃 Banana Leaf 2016 趕考試 戴Fossil 喝Expresso 吃 Meat Pie


依然是一个懒惰发文的日子 纯粹是上来发个文厚 话说我1月11号这个光棍聚在一起的晚餐 我也是乖乖的在吃晚餐了 可是一通电话吓死我老猫3条命我个咧咧 啊啊啊,对了,我在吉隆坡求学又开学啦, 这次视乎是我人生中的一大喜事,我转入商学院了哟 整个是和班上的人和乐融融 还有比我年长的同窗 不经一事不长一智 看着自己手上还有的生意,剔除了所谓的不道德和害人利己的 剩下那么几个还真的是苦恼呢 结果愤然决定以教育事业和日常用品为主 以兴趣和直销产业为副 蛮多生意的,有兴趣的朋友请联络我w 好啦,下线啦

今天华文写帖子! Today I'll write this post in chinese

米娜大家好! 我还是倒回来用华文发贴了吗._. 其实我用英文是为了我的英文啊,好久没再用,感觉退步好多! 好了好了!今天来吹水什么呢?。。。。。 好了!就吹我今年2013年,从我2012年入cos界以来的第一个在吉隆坡正式外拍吧?是个艰苦的过程啊._. 这次外派呢~时间是10月的 >< 是迟了点更新不过这样子回味的感觉才精彩! 好了来!看看我们那些幸苦的帮手们的图片吧! Leon Ken 表示 :JAY! 干!     Akahitoken Photography(Kendrick) : JAY! Definately THIS IS WOULD LAST TIME I would be your SAIKANG!!!!! 说到这次外拍!怎么可能会有这么样扭曲的表情!((惊吓 呵呵!那么从这次的摄影计划的发起人开始吧! 名字:红围巾/月亮/阿月/隐形 专业: 话说当时说起的时候他的气场可不止这么简单呢呵呵呵! 然后就是被拍的我啦!((不上照片了 XD 源起-------- 我被人放飞机了。。。原本5人的外拍。。。最后剩下2人可以。。我还干脆不拍了!! 结果那晚,就这样 沦落街头跑到月月子的怀抱  跑去和机油们喝茶谈心事 结果就突然被月他邀请拍一点不一样的! 我干啦! 还真的很不一样啊! 就是和新加坡那位可爱的艾伦一样啊! Link: 呵呵,我就脑热的给他答应了啦! 结果就发生了一连串的可爱._. 对的~这个圆嘟嘟的让让子就是我._.   我就是被如法炮制的挂了上去了啦._.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 整个是很多感觉! 话说我们花了...