
Showing posts from January 4, 2009


ye yong, hope, is now, our last need to be belive~ 如今,希望,才是我们唯一的信仰 然而,在当中,谁给我们信心? 兄弟~ 是谁给我们勇气? 兄弟!~ 是谁给我们支援? 兄弟~ 有了大家~ 12 人的pure boy show~ 即加上演~ 我相信,你我。一定行~! (借篮球火的词来用以下)

2molo new start~

Choing~ tis is ta 1st word pass by in my mind when i know my class~ watever~ just in my Sej And In new year~ i hope i can face some new!~ and face some Good!~ also~ My 6 goal in 2009~ 1st: Concert [ ] 2nd: Chiong [ ] 3rd: sej B [ ] 4th: Earn some money [ ] 5th: Have A REAL FRIEND [ ] 6th: Chiong RESULT~ [ ]