
Showing posts from April 3, 2011
May be i just realized i am nothing trying hard to do all the thing and realized i have nothing at all
i am just wonder around why why you will be in my eye, in my mind without any dust
我回倒家了! 又是累累的~ 懒懒散散的在这里 满满的update我的小小的部落格 好好的我还是在这里活着 为的是我要。。。 为什么我活着? 对呀, 为什么? 一个不错的问题 而切 什麽都使这个问题的答案呀~ 没人能说你活着不改这样 对不对?
今天又是那么一个 充满汗味的日子 就是那么的帅到咯 比赛不偏不艺就在星期六 而且就那么的帅到 就是多莫多的人紧张这个比赛的咯 让我鼻塞 = o =~ 我想要好好的和自己斗一场, 学业我已经半放弃 舞蹈我全面放弃 可是剩下的唯一, 就是那个哒咚呛 我已经不能说什麽 我剩下他了 没有什麽了 看到书会睡觉的我, 也努力的加油了 进到理科, 也不是我真正的想法 可是却是我父母姐最希望的了 我自己却没那么大的野心 没那么的看得起自己 只想好好的过活, 也许生活就是那么一场不完美的游戏 却不得以容纳太多想法 自己却有着那么大的希望和渴望 不像只是被束缚在大人心里的象法内 知道他们是为了我好 可是没想过哪天我压力不甚的时候 会发生什么事情 也没有人会知道 我不想这样的堕落 可是 别说我堕落 我从没振作
1st~ WTF! i gonna FTW! >< Seriously~!~!~! >< I have a bad news when i know the competition become april 9, and i was happy as a bird and after 3 days i know that the competition move forward to april 9. So hard so far i knew the god damn competition MIGHT BE postpone and i was crazy as a cow and i was so lucky since i can manage my skills and lot of things in the period of time. BUT March 31, the day before April FooL! the news come, I gonna go for competition as the plan, april 9 So Far So Good! April Fool That day, April 1, what a good new from my teammate -zhi an, he injured his leg! What? hohoho, april fool =D yeah, i think so, but very in luck in term, my leg injured too in same day *luckily i just injured a bit* and i suddenly wondering... he wont tell me fake and *JackPot*! he iinjured! Waliu Wui Ya~ no matter how, if other injured nevermind.. he is my partner to play a lion, so far so sad ==~ AND what more? As i heard... this a match without luck even your potent...