
Showing posts from November 30, 2008

GUYS!!!!!!!!! Notice

coz of lss online, i post 3 post in 1 day, u wan c down thr de post, 3 is newer post de... and hu r inters, pm me, , or btw, can also find me in lot way.... and.... i miss my blog but next year i wil online each month 5 time eh xD

Whr r our green enviroment?

2day, I go jog wit my uncle…. We jog from home to luak explanate…. We go thr.. On ta way, we c a lot house build until alang alang ==” And a group of iban and other eknik, Build a small house using the small board, and living in a supple duple bad enviroment, A small drain full with rubbish is under their sweet house, A lot of rubbish them throw and also the Pee and Poop… =.=” I llll~….. I wan vomit le,….. And when the sea water come in.. and rain in same time… there will bcom a new “Taman Lautan” or “rubbish GardeN”…. Then We walk to luak explanate… we walk on the white sand we feel good.. then until the other end, the “dirty” sand(full wit rubbish, plastic and some wood ) illll~ So dirty, bad smell, and walk til a small river… thr a fishing net… and few cloth(broken),… and then lot rubbish.. .. lot lolz la! The enviroment is so bad…. Just behind a beautiful beach… And we walk back… Through another road… There is full wit car… and the side of the road is also full wit rubbish… WTF~ An...


老板们。。。 我勒。。 想跳一支舞。。。。 为了迎合欢乐, 我mix了快乐崇拜。。。 开头是我自己cut的Harder,Better,Faster,Stronger 别笑我,应为我还要教一些小弟弟们跳哦!哈哈哈哈 我呢,并不是不会做的clear,而是我不想再以对人面前献丑啦!!! 我现在找的人有- Steve, Qing, Bella, Lettitia, Mark, Kah Hurng… 还有谁要?哈哈! 还有谁会湾镇的SkubaStep(locking) pm me~ 谢了~ 当然。。。 我最近发疯了。。 突然想拍一个翻版的HighSchoolMusical!!!!!! 然后拍一些短片。。 短片是看大马还有没有短片竞赛。。。 HSM呢。。。这是为了爽!!!谁要的也是PM我啊!!!


对不起哦。。。 最近没上网,迟了好几天才写这文章。。。 几天前,我去了刘燕燕的签唱会, 然后勒,只是碰我老妈他们的场,他们去跳舞 =.=” 然后遇见了!!!!!HolyShyT~雄! Wowowow!~他和家人一起去,幸好没拿着pink pink小包=。=“ 然后,我老妈跳完舞,燕燕唱到一首很顿的新年老歌后就回家了