
Showing posts from October 19, 2008

to all my FRENZ!! WARNING!!!

Dear All: 請大家看看下面的檔案。 以後到大陸可能連雞蛋都不能吃了,除非確實看到它從母雞生出來 黑心食品在中國大陸,已經猖獗到了人人自危、吃什麼都要擔心中招的地步。 本刊調查發現,廣州有一群深諳化工知識的退役解放軍,成立造假學校,公然 開班傳授各種造假技術, 連雞蛋都能以化學材料調製,而且能煎能煮,是目前最熱門的造假課程。 此外,透過網路科技,中國大陸的造假技術,已經到了無遠弗屆的蓬勃境界。 位於廣州市郊的棠下鎮,因為物價與房租比市中心低廉,吸引許多外地民工出 沒, 車站天橋旁大樓的三樓「新華軍地科技培訓學校」(新華技校),不少穿著土 氣且邋遢的年輕人進進出出, 但實在很難將他們與「科技」劃上等號。 教授人造蛋的東北老師邊講邊做、唱做俱佳;關鍵技術部分還會特別強調,搭 配一旁不時傳出的學生發問,臨場感十足。 新華造假學校女職員豆小姐,也是解放軍退役,警覺性高,前後態度迥然不 同。 中國武警也到有解放軍背景的造假學校選購機器。 人造蛋技術 開課賣 造假學校櫃檯裡,陳放著 各項造假祕笈,從吃的到用的,包羅萬象。 這間名為科技培訓的學校,其實是所造假學校,歸屬「廣東穗華科貿發展有限 公司」下,外觀陳設簡單、燈光昏暗, 一進門就看見「中國創富搖籃」「軍民合作」等醒目標語。 記者進入後,一名女子正以嚴厲的口吻, 訓斥一個手忙腳亂穿著狀似珊瑚項鍊的男子說:「別人一天可以穿假珊瑚鍊一 千條,你穿了一個鍾頭一條都不成,你要認真加把勁!」 面對衣著整齊的記者假扮成學員,前往學習「人造蛋」技術,眼神銳利的櫃檯 女職員防衛心極強,她問我們從何得知這個課程, 之後先是謊稱自己姓陳、又說課程已經停辦,在記者遞上貿易公司的名片後, 才改變提防態度。 後來她改口其實姓豆,並從櫃檯下方拿出一本正方形、封面印有「改變命運 —從現在開始!」的小冊子, 裡面宣傳學校教授包括製造人工豆 漿、米粉、洗衣粉等各種課程,還大力推銷製造黑心產品所搭配的機器。 假蛋製造 過程 步驟 1調製原料 將海藻酸納、食用明膠等7 種化學材料混水,調勻成凝膠狀,即為 蛋清原料,再取同樣材料加入黃色色素,成為蛋黃原料。 步驟2 製作蛋黃 將蛋黃原料倒入模具至 2∕3 滿,放...

erm today... haiz....

2day... morning... wake up... coz toooo cool XD and then go school sfter 1 hour lo... then wait...... ok judith come and go find the other dancer wit she.., coz wan go find Pn.Robinate... take promision...for dance practice and we gather but.. all say later after 1st period.. k lo... and then... wait, wait, the go... ^^~ but! she say we nit ta tch note? wat tat? and Tch JJ go wat wat visit liao! lolx X( but luckyly, Mz LYDIA THR!!! wow!!! lucky XD... but leh... tis is ta unlucky start(??) now... we practice self... without tch ^^ yeah very nice.. ^^~ but about 10.30 am... tch jj back ^^~ and then Kurt come.. xxx.... he kelian ... pull in by tch... and tch say 1 mor gal.."cari itu si buruk la" he say... means christina here... and then we call christina, then do lot mistake coz of changing boys ... lolz!!!!!!!!! and bla bla bla.... tat tch... let our best boy!(KURT XD) til wan fire liao XD... haha if not got some frenz in thr, i already fire, and if i relly wan fire, sry a, lo...


鱼,糖主。。。你们两个让我“打开眼见”应为你们两个实在太大胆了, 自己应该知道我再说啥吧?哈哈哈!!!

Erm ?? lolx is not enough to say tat calvin

aduhai!!~ chao agua create 1 blog le!! XD haha, actually is He ask ME Create 1 for Him.. but at last he dun wan DO anything to his blog and then INVITE ME to write his blog... chao a gua... lolx.... y wan me... aks u de "sister" mah... hehehe hahax!!!! nvm nvm... i write wat u do and spam lot post thr... hehehex....

erm... lolx?

aduhai!!! 2day... bring phone to school XD... jus accident XD hahahahaha.... and den... tat jolina XD... keep msg and call me.... lolx... lucky i din open it.... haiz.. then go to ethnik dance practice... look like too early i go... 1 pm i go... thenn wait til 2.15pm, then ppl come... oni 3 gal... and me and mark XD... then.................. wait bus back home... XD wait lo... and capture few picture..... here... my look like the "jing bao shan" de school XD and then ... the big sun which always kill my creative *.*~ when i chat with jason... suddenly a thing drop... XD u c is wat? and wait til bus le...c ta way i bak 2 home after tat... i rmb some relly serious de ... puan marry wong de holiday work XD just 4got to do coz exam... XD.... now... do wat? ready to tiution lo.....


Who can give me some idea? about dance... i confusing choosing song... XD about 5 song... i choose into finall round... #1,jing wu men #2,harder better faster stronger #3,dangerous #4,smooth criminal #5,i'm coming plz share wit me if got more song.... and gv me a vote on tat few song XD