
Showing posts from 2013

今天华文写帖子! Today I'll write this post in chinese

米娜大家好! 我还是倒回来用华文发贴了吗._. 其实我用英文是为了我的英文啊,好久没再用,感觉退步好多! 好了好了!今天来吹水什么呢?。。。。。 好了!就吹我今年2013年,从我2012年入cos界以来的第一个在吉隆坡正式外拍吧?是个艰苦的过程啊._. 这次外派呢~时间是10月的 >< 是迟了点更新不过这样子回味的感觉才精彩! 好了来!看看我们那些幸苦的帮手们的图片吧! Leon Ken 表示 :JAY! 干!     Akahitoken Photography(Kendrick) : JAY! Definately THIS IS WOULD LAST TIME I would be your SAIKANG!!!!! 说到这次外拍!怎么可能会有这么样扭曲的表情!((惊吓 呵呵!那么从这次的摄影计划的发起人开始吧! 名字:红围巾/月亮/阿月/隐形 专业: 话说当时说起的时候他的气场可不止这么简单呢呵呵呵! 然后就是被拍的我啦!((不上照片了 XD 源起-------- 我被人放飞机了。。。原本5人的外拍。。。最后剩下2人可以。。我还干脆不拍了!! 结果那晚,就这样 沦落街头跑到月月子的怀抱  跑去和机油们喝茶谈心事 结果就突然被月他邀请拍一点不一样的! 我干啦! 还真的很不一样啊! 就是和新加坡那位可爱的艾伦一样啊! Link: 呵呵,我就脑热的给他答应了啦! 结果就发生了一连串的可爱._. 对的~这个圆嘟嘟的让让子就是我._.   我就是被如法炮制的挂了上去了啦._.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 整个是很多感觉! 话说我们花了...

Blogspot revamp

Yes, after my main facebook account had been shut down, I had spend most of my time on my props and .. yea, my cute blogspot. It seems like yearsIi blogged but yea, not must thing i posted in these few years ._. So I decided to wrote something i should be wrote in this period of time. 2013 , the amazing year which turn me into another dimension! 2.5D! As well known, 3Dimension is reality and 2D is those animation, graphics, illustrate But yes, 2.5 D, another dimension which *invented* by and for the people like us! We are more to ACG -> Animation, comic, games. For me, I'm more to cosplay. We have the desire to became another person with different ability and also characteristic, but some of us choose the character have almost same look or characteristic too. 2013 I had cosplay as Yukio Okumura from Ao no Exorcist, Jean Kristien from Shingekino Kyojin, Yukiteru Amano from Mirai Nikki, Isao Kondou from Gintama... YES, I confess that i love cosplay because it tur...

Internet, Information Technology

11.00am 13th December 2013 My Facebook account had send various link to my friends in my friend list without my acknowledge and yes, it's malware I guess 11.15am, I being block by facebook and require to identify my identity 11.20am, I shut it down. Yes, one of the account in the world largest social network Facebook is gone. To avoid the loss would caused by my information leak and also my friend's information, I decided to close my account to reduce the damage to the maximum. Now days technology you can get any information thru internet. News spread faster than usual but it wont last long. Now days people rely on internet too much so do I and yes, we almost saved most of the personal information and we forgot about those information might leak and goes to someone else intelligent control. Once the moment i relieve I cant get my Facebook account back in a short time, I decided to shut it down.  Now it's time to clean up my computer an...


【這是感觸文,廢話多可無視】 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 當然關注我面子書的好友們,你們回看過一些內容,剩下的嘛,我為了發洩才手賤寫的 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     默默的看到 有差不多5個人不會再出現在聊天室裡, 最久的也有3年多沒再更新, 打開遊戲賬戶, 還上線的原本100多人的工會剩下幾個人還會熱烈歡迎我的回來。 開回部落格後發現沒人更新了。。最喜歡的四葉草也說 去面子書找他了. 什麼都發達的時代 東西來的快,去的也快 友情還在,溫情不再。 傻傻的覺得只是開玩笑的諷刺也已經成為勢不兩立的塵埃 當初我們揮灑的汗水卻已經分道揚鑣 當初說好記得彼此生日好好大事慶祝 現在我自己卻隱藏起自己最值得期待的日子 當初甜蜜的互相取暖餵食如今已經因為想法和自私曝曬月光殘光下  從新出洞尋求溫暖光環 卻因成竹阻攔只為大業成材放懷不羈再 卻為愛慕情愁憤青酒一壺,酒幹人衰為情慕 我是在什么時候,開始相信的,已經記不得。 我曾無數次地想象,有一天,我我點燃心中那盞燈的那一刻, 就明白此番相遇,是久別的重逢。 不為成佛,不為修仙,只為今生可以幻化為人,也學山林裏的千年古 樹看盡人事為人結一段塵緣。 将红尘纷扰抛却,卻留念人间喧嚣,往事,功名,利欲 雁戀風塵去遠山,傷心把酒問紅顏,深秋花月投誰抱散聚人間莫等閒 西湖煙水起潮思 ,感觸句忘研青絲,風曳秋霞想收拾猿心入苦禪。