
Showing posts from 2014
20 years old. I'm glad that I born in November because in primary education schedule, it's holiday for both November and December. I was tried to avoid celebrating my birthday party for years, because friends was an important one for me. But now I rather spend my birthday with my families or who think I'm their friends. Now I'm in a new community, I din't miss old time buddies because who is my truly pals, they know I won't forget them. A sentence of happy birthday won't missed out from them, even I hide my birthdate in all social networks. Mehz a quote a post- Chris Andresson'The wise won't talk much infront of a dumb, not because they are proud, in fact, they know the dumb won't listen to them, the only way is to let the dumb face the reality and experience what should had be done. Just simply because that's how the wise became wise.'


2014 趕上課 戴Fossil 喝 Nescafe Ice 吃 雜飯 2015 趕講堂 戴Fossil 喝 Caremal Americano 吃 Banana Leaf 2016 趕考試 戴Fossil 喝Expresso 吃 Meat Pie


依然是一个懒惰发文的日子 纯粹是上来发个文厚 话说我1月11号这个光棍聚在一起的晚餐 我也是乖乖的在吃晚餐了 可是一通电话吓死我老猫3条命我个咧咧 啊啊啊,对了,我在吉隆坡求学又开学啦, 这次视乎是我人生中的一大喜事,我转入商学院了哟 整个是和班上的人和乐融融 还有比我年长的同窗 不经一事不长一智 看着自己手上还有的生意,剔除了所谓的不道德和害人利己的 剩下那么几个还真的是苦恼呢 结果愤然决定以教育事业和日常用品为主 以兴趣和直销产业为副 蛮多生意的,有兴趣的朋友请联络我w 好啦,下线啦