2011年,11月25日之前,我渡过了我的official 16岁。 好的 付出的,牺牲的,我看见的,比以往多了,那么一点。 开始会为了未来的途径着想,开始默默打拼 我的甜蜜16岁,做了不寻常的事情,也做了好多好多我自己也预料不到的事情 我做了梦寐以求的瑞士团muda,比了赛,跳舞跳得比预期的还不错,做了学校最传统的club-瑞士团的副主席,舞出自己的成绩,读书理科一派涂地,试了从小的染发梦想,手指不停流血2天,挂在朋友车飞车飞去马路,驾车撞车,看人撞车,看透了等待的傻气,好傻好天真的去做见习学长哪里知道还成功上任。 还有好多 我的17岁,除了吃喝玩乐,配合团队行动。我希望的,就是回归我的本性,希望的,就是不再装出幼稚的脸庞,是时候发挥我的潜在能力。而不是被过去的那么几句话,封闭自己吧。 你能的,蔡昕宇。 Jay Chai Syn Yii.
Showing posts from 2011
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Me not working hard? Yeah, right! Picture that with a Kodak Or, better yet, go to Times Square Take a picture of me with a Kodak Took my life from negative to positive I just want y'all know that And tonight, let's enjoy life Tonight I want all of you tonight Give me everything tonight For all we know we might not get tomorrow Let's do it tonight Don't care what they say All the games they play Nothing is enough 'Til they handle love Grab somebody sexy, tell 'em hey Give me everything tonight Take advantage of tonight Cause tomorrow I'm off to Dubai to preform for a princess But tonight, I can make you my queen And make love to you endless This is insane: the way the name growing Money keep flowing Hustlers move aside So, I'm tiptoeing, to keep flowing I got it locked up like Lindsay Lohan Put it on my life, baby, I make you feel right, baby Can't promise tomorrow But, I promise tonight Excuse me But I might drink a little more than I should tonight ...
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在一起走过, 不能说我因为你堕落, 是因为你我不曾振作 曾经为你傻傻奋斗, 以为所有一切流言蜚语都是盲目 神马 都是 浮云 发现自己真的傻傻爱上你, 欣赏的就是你 霸道的蛮横 手在键盘敲很轻,对你心跳的感应, 对你思念很小心,还是如此温热 亲近 贴着我的心倾听, 靠近你的界限, 心跳停止迈进 就这样被你征服, 踏上了这 不归的路 切断所有退路, 喝下你送上的毒。 心一跳, 爱就开始煎熬, 每一分, 每一秒, 打从出生, 1分钟70下, 一小时4200下, 1天176400下, 一年64386000下 全世界就好像沉默的看着我做傻事 天黑黑, 骑着希望远走高飞, 累不累, 单影无人安慰, 徒飞无路, 爱在月光下完美分裂, 颓废。 世界不停的转 你要伤心 他也要你伤心的彻底 因为你停留在同个程度 那 他转来干嘛 随着记忆一直晃到现在 好不容易稍微不记得记忆 潮湿的下雨天 稚气还在回荡 只是因为刮风这天 看见你那无辜的脸 出现在楼梯间 难道放弃的那天 酸酸的空气 最后的一天 无力的呼吸
一个男孩 到男生的想法
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在人生刚刚接触到外围生活 大楷就是在升上中学的那段时间 13 岁 接触到的和被吩咐的截然不同 家人从小教你好好的读书,学习 却跑到外头,在网咖拿着自己的历史课本放在桌上, 双手却按着滑鼠,手指快速按着 b->4->2 然后冲锋陷阵 虽然零用钱不多,却饿着肚子喊 roger that. 14 岁了, 知道零用钱会不够花, 宁可饿肚子的想法算了, 不亏待自己人生中那么几年, 以为自己能开始享就往外头溜, 拿着钱包厚厚出去,却空空回来, 手上多了点面包什么的, 肚子多了些营养什么的。 15 岁了, 看朋友手上的电话不停信息, 突然觉得自己很空虚, 就是那么犯贱去学人谈恋爱, 爱情喝水饱,省吃省用,钱去了人家肚子和身上, 肚子少了一圈,以为自己有多伟大感人, 好好书不读,下手卖字卖糖为了养活别人 甜甜蜜蜜度过 15 人生 16 岁了 以为自己爱情很完美却被愚昧, 自己落泪,发誓要成为有钱人, 从烂仔变好人,从失落变无情, 势必要让人家侧目, 好好的读书,拼了自己的人生,说要势必精彩, 12 月 31 日,拥有荣誉,回到家垫高枕头, 想着想着,不眠 2 日 17 岁了 好好的想了想,在学业遇到的挫折, 学了 x square-2x-45 却忘了自己的本根, 看着华文和经济,不幸的选了华文, 但是却很荣幸,我还是一个记得自己的华人, 用微笑带过过去的一切, 下定决心,要做一个成功的有钱人, 为了以后铺路,难得会在想到恋情, 现在, 17 岁,手头算了算, 2 年,再多 2 年,我会成功的微笑。我的决心,被 1 年的荒废惊醒,被丰富营养滋润,被 1 年的酸甜苦辣刺激,被 1 年的冲刺改变培养,被现在的社会和制度慌醒。 虽然说是个梦,却是很确实的梦 不成功便成仁 希望,需要梦想 成功,需要保障。 Jay.Chai.Syn.Yii ©
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Level 50 - 55 Drakes - Area is highly Recommended Pink Teddies - Area is Recommended Panda Teddies - Area is Recommended Truckers - Area is highly Recommended Scarecrows (NLC) - Area is highly Recommended Level 55 - 60 Trojans - Area is highly Recommended White Pangs - Area is highly Recommended Scarecrows (NLC) - Area is highly Recommended Level 60 - 65 Robos - Area is highly Recommended Pirate Party Quest - Area is highly Recommended Mateons - Area is Recommended Korean Folk Town Foxes (Samiho) - Area is not Recommended Black Block Golems - Area is Suitable Wild Cargos - Area is Recommended Voodoos - Area is Suitable Hoodoos - Area is Suitable Level 65 - 70 Puppets - Area is highly Recommended Mateons - Area is Recommended Pirate Party Quest - Area is Recommended Baby Tigers (In KFT) - Area is Suitable Plateons - Area is highly Recommended Zeta Greys - Area is highly Recommended Level 70 - 75 Sand Rats - Area is Recommended Chronos - Area is Recommended Spiders - Area is highly Recom...
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There is a small small scar in my heart Just A Small Scar But Eventually Can Kill Me Any Time A promise that make me into science stream A promise that make me fight for future A eye sight make me cheap as never ever WHAT i want, is knowledge, not the waste of time the junk language and also those junk subjects Dont ever think i will take a piece of cup cake of it. FxxK Off A Better Way For Life , Not Just Sit On Sofa And Earn Money, But Is Fight For 15 years And Wait For Money Come Toward To You. Welcome To Amway
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今天又是那么一个 充满汗味的日子 就是那么的帅到咯 比赛不偏不艺就在星期六 而且就那么的帅到 就是多莫多的人紧张这个比赛的咯 让我鼻塞 = o =~ 我想要好好的和自己斗一场, 学业我已经半放弃 舞蹈我全面放弃 可是剩下的唯一, 就是那个哒咚呛 我已经不能说什麽 我剩下他了 没有什麽了 看到书会睡觉的我, 也努力的加油了 进到理科, 也不是我真正的想法 可是却是我父母姐最希望的了 我自己却没那么大的野心 没那么的看得起自己 只想好好的过活, 也许生活就是那么一场不完美的游戏 却不得以容纳太多想法 自己却有着那么大的希望和渴望 不像只是被束缚在大人心里的象法内 知道他们是为了我好 可是没想过哪天我压力不甚的时候 会发生什么事情 也没有人会知道 我不想这样的堕落 可是 别说我堕落 我从没振作
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1st~ WTF! i gonna FTW! >< Seriously~!~!~! >< I have a bad news when i know the competition become april 9, and i was happy as a bird and after 3 days i know that the competition move forward to april 9. So hard so far i knew the god damn competition MIGHT BE postpone and i was crazy as a cow and i was so lucky since i can manage my skills and lot of things in the period of time. BUT March 31, the day before April FooL! the news come, I gonna go for competition as the plan, april 9 So Far So Good! April Fool That day, April 1, what a good new from my teammate -zhi an, he injured his leg! What? hohoho, april fool =D yeah, i think so, but very in luck in term, my leg injured too in same day *luckily i just injured a bit* and i suddenly wondering... he wont tell me fake and *JackPot*! he iinjured! Waliu Wui Ya~ no matter how, if other injured nevermind.. he is my partner to play a lion, so far so sad ==~ AND what more? As i heard... this a match without luck even your potent...
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if we can, if permission from april 4 ( morning ) and IF the competition at april 9. Time will be like this : Morning (7am-1pm)*6 hours* Noon (2pm-5pm)*3 hours* 4/4 - (11 hours) Night (7pm-9pm)*2 hours* --------------------------------------------- Morning (7am-1pm)*6 hours* Noon (2pm-5pm)*3 hours* 5/4 - (11 hours) Night (7pm-9pm)*2 hours* --------------------------------------------- Morning (7am-1pm)*6 hours* Noon (2pm-5pm)*3 hours* 6/4 - (11 hours) Night (7pm-9pm)*2 hours* --------------------------------------------- Morning (7am-1pm)*6 hours* Noon (2pm-5pm)*3 hours* 7/4 - (11 hours) Night (7pm-9pm)*2 hours* --------------------------------------------- Morning (7am-1pm)*6 hours* Noon (2pm-5pm)*3 hours* 8/4 - (11 hours) Night (7pm-9pm)*2 hours* = (55 hours) all include lunch and dinner. and IF before the competition day, 8/4 train till 5 only. so 55 hours - 2 hours = ...
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朋友~ 这个字对大家都好眼熟 吧~ Friends~ Izit a word most of the people know but dosen't know the mean? HmmM~ Its seriously fuck up someone's life and also seriously help on someone's life... 很久之前就想写一些关于朋友的文字,简 单而朴实的文字。因为朋友之间就是那样的简单、朴实。 有这样一种朋友,当他成功或遭遇不幸时,第一个想到你的人。当他成功时,无论你在哪,他都会与你分享这份成功的喜悦,当他津津乐道的告诉你时,不要以为 他是在炫耀自己,而是他把你当朋友,他认为他的成功有你的一半,所以他的 快乐 也应当分你一半。当他遭遇不幸时,就算你什么也做不了,给你的一通电话或者一条短信都可能是他的安定剂。 有这样一种朋友,当你放错误时,婉言相劝的人。他不会直言相告,因为他知道那样会伤了你的自尊,他更不会假装不知道,因为他怕你会一错再错 他就像你的导师,就像你迷茫时看到的一块的方向牌。 有这样一种朋友,当你缺乏 自信 时,给予鼓励的人。他总是有足够的 理由 让你去面对困难,他总是给你万分的 勇气 让你去接受挑战。 有这样一种朋友,当你第一次出远门,千叮咛万。嘱咐的人。当你一人在外,会嘘寒问暖的人。他就像你的 亲人 ,不时常联系,但总免不了牵挂,不时常腻在一起,但总记得问候。 朋友,到底什么是朋友?朋友是,即使什么也不说,都能感觉到的那份 温暖 ;朋友是,无论世事如何变幻,都能包容你的那一颗心;朋友是,纵然离之伤痛、孤身一人,也能感觉到的那种充实。
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There's another day and another bad news for me.... today? NO! should be yesterday after i done this post xDD OWHHHHHHH! OUUUUHHHHH! damn! I cant join spbt orientation anymore =( THERE WILL BE A COMPETITION IN APRIL16~ And i got 60+ hours to practice~ AND NOW! There will be 30+ hours =.=... WHY ._. COZ THE DATE BECOME April 9! =.= GARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR =.= HATE YOU! Meow =3 == (*P.S- I Saw Her Face 7 times yesterday, and twice today, so my honorables NIGHTMARE... COME START TONIGHT, sharon, i will prove to you my logic and my phenomena ) ._.
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LOL This is the topic today! LOL! stand for what? For Me~ Lack Of Laugh =D For Most Of The People~ Laugh Out Loud~ For My Non-Chinese Enemy~ Lack Of Law~ For Wen Zhen~ Lack Of Love~~~~ WAKAKA~ LOL!!!!~~~!!!! it stand for another meaning eventual you are somebody define it as some specify word... example~ a famous word by Jay Chou"屌" It meant "Make Lxxe" in english and it is and it was a rude word ~ But Jay make it different , it become the greatest and famous between the 80-90 generation, it become a word that show how good is something, example, Oh! Your cloth so diao, meant that ou! your cloth are damn nice! Yeah! For Me! Also A Thing Happen It is LOL! For ME LOL can be Laugh Out Loud, Or Lack Of Laugh! WHYYYY! Because there is nothing for me to laugh seriously, i ust keep acting i am happy~ I Am Laugh For Something, But I Never Laugh, I Open My Mouth And Practice How Make My "Smile" over and over again everyday. Now, I'm , On bed, I'm LOL~
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8.32``~ a miracle for us! ONLY US! there will be a competition at april 16 as i said... owh! I AM LACK OF TIME! WALAO! T.T NOW ! MY FORMULA TIME! now there will be another 15 days more for me to train without permission and if in busy more, and will deduct 4 days about concert rehearsal so deduct 4 days and everyday will be 1/2 hour training so there will be 11 x 1/2hour so 5,1/2 hour to train, match it to 6 hours lo... And 5 weekday that have no thing so can practice for 8 hours a day .. so there will be 48 hours! TOTAL 54 hours more for competition xDD IF! get permission for it after april 4 there will be 8 days for me can train 4 hours *maybe* so 32 hours! and plus the day before it will be 1 and a half gour and + the weekend something will be plus 48 more so total will be 81 and half hours ! =( SO SAD! I Must Improve, I mUst Prove I muSt Belive I musT Do It I CAN DO IT, NOTHING NOT POSSIBLE
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LOL! Start raining heavily after my first step into home after tuition... LUCKY me =D now going to rest after blogging, take a look on my chemistry work i done ust now, check for my home work.. WOW~ Easy day =D But Nor REALL~ Its Hard For Me For Keep Looking at same place now even GAMES! OMG! No idea why~ If I got idea why i don't need to shout out here~ WAHAHA OWH!~ I am so tired complain about my works now, i gonna finish you! HOMEWORKS! And! face my result... ._. ........... Chemistry- 33% Malay - 35% Moral -29% Sivik -30% uhh~ Owww, So Miss My nieces! HAO HAO! ~ Hmm =) he is cute~ seriously~ WAHAHA! He is in k.l now =) LOL! wait me yay! (P/S- Please... please dont eat me!,HUH, left punch, right kick, left kick, right fly kick, YEAH!!! JIU JIU DEFEATED!)
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Lion Dance with my spirit? NOPE =D coz i cant use my life for it but i can play it for my life xD There will be another competition for me in april 16 D= ! OWWWW~ not even 1 month for me and the troupe to prepare for the competition! WAHAHA! BUT! coz competition mah, what i can do... gonna school ... tuition... so now i left 20 school day and 6days(saturday+sunday) school day each day can train 3 hours, so there will be 60 hours.... for the another 6 days one day may be 5 hours... so there will be 30 hours... NOW total 90 hours de training time! Start deduct some time... Eating~ one training at least 1 hour=26 hours! REST! Half hour~ = 13 hours So! There Will Be 90-39=51hours to go~ AND! Thinking of the way to perform *套路* Testing Arguing about the effect, time, lion, etc etc SO!! How much time we left? I cant imagine! =( Trying Hard For It! But Wanna Care My Study AlsO! I CAN DO IT!
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Just done my sweet facebook surfing =D and now come to my blog thinking what i can do! Yeah! Probably! PHYSICAL STRENGTH training is needed! AND ALSO! Relax is need xD! going to watch a movie.. Name Big Smile GLUE~~ da xiao jiang hu xD 大笑江湖 Eng Name~ Just Call Me Nobody~ Wondering nice or not =D Hope it Will Be a Nice Film =D ~ new post tonight~
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wow WOW wow WOW best movie since 2011 in star cineplax for me =D you know why???? =D so touch when u see marine dosen't care their live for protect civilians so touch when you see they burn their candle for their teammate cant imagine the invasion happen in our mother earth, what wouls happen! i don't think i will be the marine inside. 1st i scare of death! 2nd i don't know how manage my emotional when i see a alien come and i should shoot weather it's head or communicate with them at all and i learn some sentence inside the movie.... a kid ask his dad "dad, why we need to fight with them? why don't just communicate? they may be just need us talk with them" and his father answer he"yeah, but when they point your head with gun, this show you they don't want right?" haha. weird but humor ! Nice Movie, World Invasion-Battlefield Los Angles