
Showing posts from 2008

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Nopost No Post N0 P0St i say no post! i say No post liao! ... sry is.... No Pork XD

GUYS!!!!!!!!! Notice

coz of lss online, i post 3 post in 1 day, u wan c down thr de post, 3 is newer post de... and hu r inters, pm me, , or btw, can also find me in lot way.... and.... i miss my blog but next year i wil online each month 5 time eh xD

Whr r our green enviroment?

2day, I go jog wit my uncle…. We jog from home to luak explanate…. We go thr.. On ta way, we c a lot house build until alang alang ==” And a group of iban and other eknik, Build a small house using the small board, and living in a supple duple bad enviroment, A small drain full with rubbish is under their sweet house, A lot of rubbish them throw and also the Pee and Poop… =.=” I llll~….. I wan vomit le,….. And when the sea water come in.. and rain in same time… there will bcom a new “Taman Lautan” or “rubbish GardeN”…. Then We walk to luak explanate… we walk on the white sand we feel good.. then until the other end, the “dirty” sand(full wit rubbish, plastic and some wood ) illll~ So dirty, bad smell, and walk til a small river… thr a fishing net… and few cloth(broken),… and then lot rubbish.. .. lot lolz la! The enviroment is so bad…. Just behind a beautiful beach… And we walk back… Through another road… There is full wit car… and the side of the road is also full wit rubbish… WTF~ An...


老板们。。。 我勒。。 想跳一支舞。。。。 为了迎合欢乐, 我mix了快乐崇拜。。。 开头是我自己cut的Harder,Better,Faster,Stronger 别笑我,应为我还要教一些小弟弟们跳哦!哈哈哈哈 我呢,并不是不会做的clear,而是我不想再以对人面前献丑啦!!! 我现在找的人有- Steve, Qing, Bella, Lettitia, Mark, Kah Hurng… 还有谁要?哈哈! 还有谁会湾镇的SkubaStep(locking) pm me~ 谢了~ 当然。。。 我最近发疯了。。 突然想拍一个翻版的HighSchoolMusical!!!!!! 然后拍一些短片。。 短片是看大马还有没有短片竞赛。。。 HSM呢。。。这是为了爽!!!谁要的也是PM我啊!!!


对不起哦。。。 最近没上网,迟了好几天才写这文章。。。 几天前,我去了刘燕燕的签唱会, 然后勒,只是碰我老妈他们的场,他们去跳舞 =.=” 然后遇见了!!!!!HolyShyT~雄! Wowowow!~他和家人一起去,幸好没拿着pink pink小包=。=“ 然后,我老妈跳完舞,燕燕唱到一首很顿的新年老歌后就回家了

Holiday no travel ... gratz too

nnow holiday, no go travel xD hahax coz no money ==" and... in home ply and ply and ply sleep and sleep and sleep and at last... i do the another thing! eat and eat and eat.... after tat, online surf blog and surf blog... sometime, go school lo... say is go dance actually is go find brother play xD now... mark hav a very good frenz liao... tat tch ==" tat tch ask mark be his flower boy when his marry.... when 27 of dec xD hahax lolz leh here mind... Clower Hu dun wan grow up, how r u, u sound so weird.... jyjy at thr also wil find frenz... S.Ning, u r best, jy in u project YiNing,dun 4got buy thing to me from kl Steve, i scare...... Form 5 de, jy in uexam fish, u lot camp leh Yip, when u go uk? Calvin, jyjy kau nui la Ghee, lame u... dun becom freeze tuna in maple.... Ian, nice little blog Samuel, DotA? Khai Yew, DotA? Kian Kok, MaplE? Johnnatthan,JyJy kao nui Louis Tan, dun buli your sis! SomeOne, If u bro buli u tel me Eric, u no blog rite? =="

birthday satay... and a small old joke from uncle james

erm... today... just back from my 3rd b'day celebrate.. my uncle wan de.. we go eat satay... about arrive 10 min, sudden a big tornado(no la.. juz agin besar jak) and sudden rain.... god must play with me ==" coz from 25/11, i wan go but rain! and 26/11 eat too mor while lunch.. ==" and then my uncle tell me a JOKE! Joke From Uncle James: long time ago, got 1 ppl hu love to say "Damn god~" then the god is fire... one day, ta man drunk and on ta way home.. ta god think " now is my revenge time" he ask the lord of thunder, " razor" go hit him.... after 1 min..... Razor scold "GOD DAMN I MISS!!!!!!!!!!" =="

b'day how u guy noe?

eh guy... wat ever thx u send msg and spam my mail wish me happy b'day de. and i got a big big ques... i DIN tell ppl my B'day Time... and my frens ter din write my rell b'day ah? i write 1990-12-25...... u guy belive i got 2 time b'day? not count in luna and west calender de o! coz 22/11, mum they coz no and free time, so celebrate le, then whe i rell b'day, my sis gib me a cake... and i duno y got lot unknow de leng lui and leng zai unstop spam my mail box... and also thx my team crew... no la means member inside... thx u guy hu send me msg ya. and .. watever.. here a notice... my birthday is at 12/25 if anyone wan wish me, dun send at 11/25, send at 12/25 ba ^.^ and... celebrate or wat... next time ask sis and mum dun care le, now very expansive ta thing argh!

... duno wat to do. sleep or play?

few mor day, my b'day. i tis ppl dun like my self de b'day.. duno y? b4 the primary school, i like it, every year i am waiting my b'day. but... until last year, duno wat reason, i dun mind my b'day, and when b'day, i duno wat to do, just want to like the normal day, and then, i fell i like lonely more than wit other ppl(means when i b'day) , , , and then now... gonna b'day again... my sis got ask me got whr i wanna go. huh~ now i fell nothing, i almost 4got my b'day, and she ask me wat i wan to do... nothing i wan to do.... and when saturday, they "early" hav my b'day coz sis got to work when my rell b'day(i 4got when le and lazy to count" and now... i reli duno wat to do... the streamyx is damn slow like dial up... haiz... and i wanna change my hair style... u think hav a side short gud?.......................

Holiday Priject,....

erm... 16/11-20/11 - repair my small bic 4 Jade Jade..~ 21-14 nov -collect and clean all my toy to gib Jade~ 25- Nov. my b'day 27-31 nov go study and hav some book freenzy in house 1-14 dec in home dunno do wat 15-?? dec, lion dance camp 25 dec go play a chrismas event in maple sea...


哇! 明天就比赛了! 可是! 我们昨天才篇好这支舞。。。 今天就彩排了! 加油吧! MARK you too.. gambate! 鱼,你也加油! christy, 你也是! 长不大的那一位,也是加油吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

erm... jus a few minute blogging.

erm... holiday... every body is relax, but i am quite lonely+boring.... lucky got project from my sis... and also wan bia maple XD and also wan keep fit... and hu can spare me how keep fit? or ta acc of u(maple) to my mail ^^~ and also... DotA.... i kill MyM and GOD clan ppl ^^~ prox leh ~ haha and 15/11 is school dance competition le... so ^^~ jyjy argh my team and other^^~ Mark i wish u gud luck(the other 2 also) and plz... dun beat down us ^^~ haha=="


erm, very fire today, wanna write tis post in rude way.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ mjb argh! tat sj! mark like ShYT! wtf is tat ! purata also like pkz!\ and wait 4 ta bus! 3 hour! 3hour argh tauke! tahan bo! then, as tatitle! fire then is 离别。。。 i think i will missing nx year... may be tis is my last post..... haha not joke....

erm.. green sunday in Sg.Rait Bakam

Sunday... go old house wit sis, big sis niece and nephew... hehe thr is very nice.... all green very relaxe... c,there all rambutan leh! red de! and now lazy juz say we bring lot langsat ^^~ & dragon fruite & RAMBUTAN and some nice phota & relax hour wit 3 children & family... now mapleling catch my last 2 hour le ^^~ bb

Phhoto... lot and lot....


erm maple.... my haloday life, and dance.. go die...

lolz... now chiong my MaGeHoo.... oni lvl 19 now lvl 34 le... hehe here he is XD then i go orbis... u know wat happen? ya tat i say " hehe.,... GMC I wan BARLOG"(i am crazy) then suddenly.... yay, but i din die... haha! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ================================================================== now... pray 4 me, i wil die 2moro, no face... and now bb

All MY FRENZ!! WARNING!!!thr ta post is MIC, now is MOVIE

WARNING! i find a very intersting movie... old movie... VANTAGE POINT it tooooo prefect, ta story, c u self lo, and u muz hav a clear brain and better like some thing like kill,... haha, and here PLZ becareful ta MIC(made in china) and look at my b4 de post! u belive egg also made by chemical!

to all my FRENZ!! WARNING!!!

Dear All: 請大家看看下面的檔案。 以後到大陸可能連雞蛋都不能吃了,除非確實看到它從母雞生出來 黑心食品在中國大陸,已經猖獗到了人人自危、吃什麼都要擔心中招的地步。 本刊調查發現,廣州有一群深諳化工知識的退役解放軍,成立造假學校,公然 開班傳授各種造假技術, 連雞蛋都能以化學材料調製,而且能煎能煮,是目前最熱門的造假課程。 此外,透過網路科技,中國大陸的造假技術,已經到了無遠弗屆的蓬勃境界。 位於廣州市郊的棠下鎮,因為物價與房租比市中心低廉,吸引許多外地民工出 沒, 車站天橋旁大樓的三樓「新華軍地科技培訓學校」(新華技校),不少穿著土 氣且邋遢的年輕人進進出出, 但實在很難將他們與「科技」劃上等號。 教授人造蛋的東北老師邊講邊做、唱做俱佳;關鍵技術部分還會特別強調,搭 配一旁不時傳出的學生發問,臨場感十足。 新華造假學校女職員豆小姐,也是解放軍退役,警覺性高,前後態度迥然不 同。 中國武警也到有解放軍背景的造假學校選購機器。 人造蛋技術 開課賣 造假學校櫃檯裡,陳放著 各項造假祕笈,從吃的到用的,包羅萬象。 這間名為科技培訓的學校,其實是所造假學校,歸屬「廣東穗華科貿發展有限 公司」下,外觀陳設簡單、燈光昏暗, 一進門就看見「中國創富搖籃」「軍民合作」等醒目標語。 記者進入後,一名女子正以嚴厲的口吻, 訓斥一個手忙腳亂穿著狀似珊瑚項鍊的男子說:「別人一天可以穿假珊瑚鍊一 千條,你穿了一個鍾頭一條都不成,你要認真加把勁!」 面對衣著整齊的記者假扮成學員,前往學習「人造蛋」技術,眼神銳利的櫃檯 女職員防衛心極強,她問我們從何得知這個課程, 之後先是謊稱自己姓陳、又說課程已經停辦,在記者遞上貿易公司的名片後, 才改變提防態度。 後來她改口其實姓豆,並從櫃檯下方拿出一本正方形、封面印有「改變命運 —從現在開始!」的小冊子, 裡面宣傳學校教授包括製造人工豆 漿、米粉、洗衣粉等各種課程,還大力推銷製造黑心產品所搭配的機器。 假蛋製造 過程 步驟 1調製原料 將海藻酸納、食用明膠等7 種化學材料混水,調勻成凝膠狀,即為 蛋清原料,再取同樣材料加入黃色色素,成為蛋黃原料。 步驟2 製作蛋黃 將蛋黃原料倒入模具至 2∕3 滿,放...

erm today... haiz....

2day... morning... wake up... coz toooo cool XD and then go school sfter 1 hour lo... then wait...... ok judith come and go find the other dancer wit she.., coz wan go find Pn.Robinate... take promision...for dance practice and we gather but.. all say later after 1st period.. k lo... and then... wait, wait, the go... ^^~ but! she say we nit ta tch note? wat tat? and Tch JJ go wat wat visit liao! lolx X( but luckyly, Mz LYDIA THR!!! wow!!! lucky XD... but leh... tis is ta unlucky start(??) now... we practice self... without tch ^^ yeah very nice.. ^^~ but about 10.30 am... tch jj back ^^~ and then Kurt come.. xxx.... he kelian ... pull in by tch... and tch say 1 mor gal.."cari itu si buruk la" he say... means christina here... and then we call christina, then do lot mistake coz of changing boys ... lolz!!!!!!!!! and bla bla bla.... tat tch... let our best boy!(KURT XD) til wan fire liao XD... haha if not got some frenz in thr, i already fire, and if i relly wan fire, sry a, lo...


鱼,糖主。。。你们两个让我“打开眼见”应为你们两个实在太大胆了, 自己应该知道我再说啥吧?哈哈哈!!!

Erm ?? lolx is not enough to say tat calvin

aduhai!!~ chao agua create 1 blog le!! XD haha, actually is He ask ME Create 1 for Him.. but at last he dun wan DO anything to his blog and then INVITE ME to write his blog... chao a gua... lolx.... y wan me... aks u de "sister" mah... hehehe hahax!!!! nvm nvm... i write wat u do and spam lot post thr... hehehex....

erm... lolx?

aduhai!!! 2day... bring phone to school XD... jus accident XD hahahahaha.... and den... tat jolina XD... keep msg and call me.... lolx... lucky i din open it.... haiz.. then go to ethnik dance practice... look like too early i go... 1 pm i go... thenn wait til 2.15pm, then ppl come... oni 3 gal... and me and mark XD... then.................. wait bus back home... XD wait lo... and capture few picture..... here... my look like the "jing bao shan" de school XD and then ... the big sun which always kill my creative *.*~ when i chat with jason... suddenly a thing drop... XD u c is wat? and wait til bus le...c ta way i bak 2 home after tat... i rmb some relly serious de ... puan marry wong de holiday work XD just 4got to do coz exam... XD.... now... do wat? ready to tiution lo.....


Who can give me some idea? about dance... i confusing choosing song... XD about 5 song... i choose into finall round... #1,jing wu men #2,harder better faster stronger #3,dangerous #4,smooth criminal #5,i'm coming plz share wit me if got more song.... and gv me a vote on tat few song XD

How to promote u blog... very good way.

erm... i think lot ppl thinking how promote u blog faz and no nit use money... they always find on web... eh come here i tell u few very very easy way... hehe ^.^ but c u wan o not...^^~ #1!!! the easiest way, go school and chat wit ppl around you.. then tell them u got blog ^^~ #2!!! easy but nit some time and some cost... also nit u creative, tat is go all shopping center , using lot colourful marker pen, and then using creative style paint on ta shopping center's wall... then let few cop chasing u , u run then lot ppl c it, automaticly they will go surf u blog.... #3!!! dangerous way but relly gud.... u go kill one of your school tch then using his/her blood writing u blog site, second day u blog's visitor must over thousan.... #4!!! gentle way.... but high cost u go toilet(like my school de, no toilet paper de), when ppl go in, u free them toilet paper... each piece of toilet paper u write u blog site ^^~ #5!!! gud but scary way... c u brave o not lo ^^~ u go a beach... lot...

BONG!!! help me!!! i stuck!!!(dun think anything u came faz!!!)

BONG!!! i blur liao!!! y my pc connection stuck at "Join Now" de page...T_T i click tat up 1 de Online Free Advertising ... and click join now,then i stuck thr....\second time, i try play smug..XD no lag and stuck.... and i duno wat i nit to choose...(pay pal,check)???????????????????????? and then the key word is as more as i can? but whr to key in it in tat page? ............ and then wish u all subject can be pass la... dun fail... no nit a le, jus pass ok le...

KNS.... tired...

wanna use some rude word to start tis post... nvm using XXX tat... 2day dance ta eknik dance relly XXX, tired+redo then redo performance+scold ppl+new step+ change style.... wakao i know wan dance to tat wat dong dong de c, but relly hard de baaa..... ok lo...; nvm de... a pro dancer can dance all dance de.... hahaha(...swt...=.=") okok.. then isabelle(ying zhi?) come find me... i think got any bad news... but i c Daniel and Ester thr... i think may be is dance club de thing.... ok lo.. i go then they say find me dance "dai zhu" dance... o.0 wat tat... but i accept ta invaition(=.="...too like dance o a sot ppl) nvm la.... and then i dance jing wu men again... but just dance ta part b4 we train and tech judith... then i think may be i will add some break move like wind mill...(but thr is simen cant do... will die ppl) or may be add some small break? like sapu lantai?0.o =_="' ok la... now tired. wan sleep le... and then wan ply..... haha..... wan sleep and ...

Erm izit too hot? tiution...

erm... izit too hot today? i go tiution by bus.... and then? look at the son, if wan ta better look,it will be dull a bit... and look at ta street!!! no ppl but a "frenz" and then finally bus come.... after tat... i go tiution... walao write a thing like catatan... sleep.... title?... is the "bagaimanakah kamu menggunakan masa semasa Hari Raya Aidilfitri"... waowaowao.... then i write 3 page... and then wat up? write 2 mor essay... kao.... and then i go back home using bus again.. puuuuuu.... u c ta sun and the street again... and then back home post tis post... then ply dota... now i am on wicked sick XD....

Home pass my mind and soul also folo ta time

hiiez.... 2day is holiday but i still nit to go school....; 4 nothing, juz 4 dance XD.... eknik dance.... wow... preety hard!!! tch jj tech us til fire!!! bla bla bla thr.... and then... judith and zhi ching use me as a "zhang ai wu" and do some rude thing la.... XD... quite "lucu" de... then about the 10 am... practice the JingWuMen dance...... lolx... still haven hav a full ver. de dance, just a part, part small part de dance..... wakao.... tired..just after few minute practice, i already R.I.N.S!!!(rest in no soul) not wan, just the tch jj ask us do ta prefect de zapin and our 1st unknow dance... wowowowowx.. about 12 pm, i go dad office enjoy my lunch... chicken rice ^^~ haha~~~~ after 1 pm... i already change my cloth, "wash" my body... and then i go pustaka... WAIT... i c 2 ppl... one in red cloth and 1 in white cloth........ eh look so "mian shou" de leh.... no wonder de lah.... is my mei and xing ping... eating nasi lemak... wakao... they...

Erm...精舞门Part1 ^.^~

hehe今天一大早就去美中, 可是不是去上课, 是去跳舞。。。 跳eknik... 过后,篇了一段精舞门。。。 哈哈哈哈哈!!!~ 就在这里献丑了!!! 不错吧!! 感谢那一位女孩了咯!!! THX YA CHRISTINA>>>....


可怜的我。。。 偏偏在假期的时候遇上了伤风 这久违多年的病, 让我不想再碰到他。 明天,又要去学校, 跟可怜, 是练舞, 哇~。。。 明天抓不到窍门就惨了。。。

Huh? ok i will.....

2day... hehe lot activity... ^.^ 1st,.... i went school... i bring my phone... when arrive ... all ppl using their phone capture my handsome face XD(hao lian...) no lah juz c my frenz(almost all) open song... until all block full with song... techno.... soft ..... lot la.... 2nd.... having a big clean action in class!!! but... after start 10 minute..... Mark find me...... wit judith.... 4 wat? later got eknik dance practice!! wow i jump down from the 2nd floor of my blog!!! yapee!!! haha... then start dancing, but i am in uniform... Mr. JJ ask me change my cloth.... huh? change? nvm... i take out my pants!!! in front of.... 5 girl!!! nvm la.... still got 1 inside.... but.... i didnt have extra top wear.... so i using my uniform top 4 dance practice.... u imagine a handsome boy(lolx lolx lolx lolx) wear a white uniform top and a brown(maroon) pants dance ta eknik dance wit lot smal gal gal....(*vomit*) haha!!!(haven back from dream de sot handsome boy(again lolx lolx lolx lolx)) and th...

Hello? sobs no body hiie... bye.

erm 2day, 2.10 i walk to the belita buy ice cream(i sot de) then walk back to school again(wan die de ppl plz folo he.) ahd then i go into school, i saw 2 "uncle"? dance inside... one is Mr.JJ!! and other i dunno hu he is... then i saw jason!!! yapee... he playing badminton inside... wit"qiong??" dunno tat ppl name, the guys quite tall and quite strong XD and then we ply... about half hour... no go dance XD..(is haven haha.....) whoa..... after ply we go c... no body and i am so "wet"? Jayson say if i am girl i am sexy enough.... haha wakekeke... then... we go in... just folo few step... and its jawa dance. after tis, 4.20pm , we go out. c tat Steve...(i dun say u idiot liao... yapee) we go to pete's dali take a breath... and we chat... open song, discuss song, drum live band shuffle and lot.... erm... so now nothing...wan pato liao... hehe so bb.


这一个假期,我几乎都在电脑前, maple,lvl 31 i,l wizard, private,lvl255 markman, wl,lvl50 fire, 可怜,没有动书。。。

haiz... uncle help xiiao meii meii

~ jolina i done it! ~ and hu visit my blog u r also be invite to go Jolina's Blog.... it is at my blog list....

very ... faz...

now c many frenz in maple... yesterday nit my train. now, them train me.... and then now me juz lvl 28... and same as blog.... i dun touch my blog, then all frenz every day few thousan post... some is sot sot de post(fish) haha, now, everyone study for exam??? i think no body... -.-

i am jaychai

What Jaychaisynyii Means You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you. You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries. You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care. You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily. You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind. A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and th...

i am jaychai

What Jaychaisynyii Means You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you. You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries. You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care. You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily. You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind. A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and th...

no mood... tired... angry.....

yesterday.... ... haiz in chinese lah... betahan type english..... 来了一个。。。小玉!!! 结果大家忙上忙下 到最后。。 我一群朋友约好了要去zkm 那里zaking..... 约了n个星期了哦!!! 结果开始。。。只打断一只手。。 妈就在门旁瞪我。。 当时还说我从早到现在。。 好了,他还发脾气, 怡要指甲剪还讽刺的喊回:“叫比较闲空的人去找,不要找他" dang shi wo ting le... 忍。。。本来还像一个椅子丢过去了的说。。。 然后,我直接关了电脑(插头,刚刚害怕不能开了的说) 接下来,我感到很闷。。 心情不好,去冲个凉, 之后下楼去看小雨, 接下来,妈下楼, 看到刚冲凉的我, 还说了。。:"你的衣服自己洗” WAKAO 幸好,我换了新电话,不然他早就进医院。。。。 之后我就出去后元。。听歌。。。 接下来,想到宁对我说的话。。。。 算了。。。 接下来,去吃东西,但莫名奇妙的看见了妈,想一丢把碗丢到他脸上。。。 吃完了,上楼,让手机一边充电,一边听歌。。。 然后睡着了。。 第二天醒来(现在拉) ok finish liao..... haha my frenz now all c my say me pacio dun kill zkm.... waste them time.... kelian la me.....


Kgt.. kajian geogragi tempatan.... tat ... i hate it!!! i wanna kill ta ppl who create project!!! and i will kill hu wana ask us 2 do it so fk stu!!! and now i done it... wait still nit habd draw my map.... so lolz.....

Che Pui... Good Job Holy Shit....

holy shit is the higest proof of hero in DotA but it also can b com.... a shit but after few thousan year... it b com holy de shit le!!! 0(*_*)0 haha.. and 2day, the dinner is our best chance to show 2 tch our NO.1 drama place is true de!!! and... xiung xiung... - calvin sung!! 2day is so HiGh!!! chao a gua!!! haha and 2day jia qi scold jia yee.... actually , is wan jia yee have a bad mood... coz in drama is tis kind mood to performance de.... so jia yee... dun fire u sis... she is good. and....................... logistic team!!! tyty 4 ta help!!! PA system group also!!! 0(^_^)0!!! haha. night 10 pm.... cannot sleep. my mind is full with drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2day... headeach in school.... then tch go meeting... prefect in class... noise like a shit..... and then lot ppl ply... i sleep.. but i wake.. coz... winnie wa, tco always in... til i can't sleep... che pui....

MMv-So Sick

yoyoyo wan c ta mmv?? a good mmv... name... MMV-So Sick... credit: director-Alvin The Best GM!!!-Louis.... konichiwa&xiiaowuguui 4everjay&Alvin Mk1993&Sillyjenne justforyou and lot lot....

wakeke.. ta drama...

saturday... wait 4 ta best performance from....HOLYSHIT!!!!

Here I Am..JaY!!

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at


Here BOBO!!! "HE"is my best buddy in home....(coz tooo boring) Who "he" is??? BarkBarkPoBerr.....(means:imknow u write my story i come let u take photo..Cheese) Yi Ning u know "he" is haha!! Eh..But.. after c ta flash light... he ... wo.wo.wo..... ourh......(means:eh master.. i fell ta world spin and spin) suddenly... OMG.. bo r u ok?? answer me!!!.. and a little sound.... ka ca pui....( y sound like meivin kong??) i put my head near.... ha chiu..puuuuuu.....(he is sneezing and poop...i know y got smelly smell)

boring+boring+boring=damm it .....

tiution... i love it coz can do my work and got frenz.... but juz 4 mon-thrus.... cos... fri and satur all is malay... no frenz.... and after finish work... just boring... ta song repeat and repeat.... i sleep and wake and sleep... just pass 3 min... walao... i wana ply com la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anti book+tiution




Hehe Finally....^^


Ning(not u yi ning)..... y....(y wat y) haiz....(faz in your point) y u.....(y again i kill you) ok... go uk.... T_T.....(ok....) i will miss u...(good boy) coz....(got reason??) i will lost...(her care?) my reload card, my chatting room will lost 1 blank....(wat ta) and ..... my blog nit ppl visit de...... so....(???) hehehe...(some devil here) u everyday must visit once!!!(lolx...) wakaka i 4got u wan study le ho....


Wakaka 2day got few new theme... and... can find in name is huge and kisse, chrome, redaurora... all is very... how 2 say?? xian dai gan?? and i almostly pengsan using huge and kisse... and redaurora... coz they 2 is 2 prefect but when at wall paper(quit all file) u wil c a big .... haiz..... mistake?? ta screen will left 2 blank... haha..... my god.... y...T_T


wow... today... lot thing... dun wanna say more here.. upload some pic 1st 4 today.... coz sleepy le...